David’s book chronicles his adventures as a world traveller in the turbulent 1960s, before smartphones, GPS, and shelves of guidebooks were available.


A 1960s Global Odyssey:
Around the World in 80 Months

David Skillan spent six and a half years backpacking around the world in the 1960s, working here and there, facing all kinds of challenges, and making friends wherever he went.

When he returned to England, he spent six months writing a book about his adventures. It was eventually published in September of 2021.

Order a copy of A 1960s Global Odyssey: Around the World in 80 Months today!

Its the perfect gift - not only for the armchair traveller, but for 'those who love to travel and those who yearn to...



The images seen here - were all taken with either Kodachrome or Ektachrome 35mm film and were all shot during the author's epic marathon journey - and represent just a few of the many places he visited and the people he met.


The author on the road near Queenstown - New Zealand.

The author on the road near Queenstown, New Zealand.


Day trippers hiking in the Southern Alps of New Zealand.

Day trippers hiking in the Southern Alps of New Zealand.


Fishing boats in New Zealand's Milford Sound.

Fishing boats in New Zealand's Milford Sound.


Droving cattle in the Australian Outback.

Author, left with companions in the Australian Outback.


The author and driver astride road building equipment in the Australian Outback.

The author and driver astride road building equipment in the Australian Outback.


A stockman breaking in a horse at Victoria River Downs In the Northern Territory Australia.

A stockman breaking in a horse at Victoria River Downs, In the Northern Territory, Australia.


One of many student demonstrations, common in those days, near Melbourne Railway Station, Australia.

One of many student demonstrations, common in those days, near Melbourne Railway Station, Australia.


Indigenous women in Taiwan.

Indigenous women of Taiwan, then known as Formosa.


Aftermath of snow storm in suburbs of Boston, Massachusets. Winter 68/69

Aftermath of snow storm in suburbs of Boston, Massachusets. Winter 68/69.


Washington Square

A friendly New Yorker promotes author's illustrated travel lectures - Washington Square.


Teenagers on a park bench in Washington, DC.

Teenagers on a park bench in Washington, DC.


A street scene in the Haight-Ashbury District of San Fransico, birthplace of the 1960s Counterculture (Hippie) movement.

A street scene in the Haight-Ashbury District of San Fransico, birthplace of the 1960s Counterculture (Hippie) movement.


Kids at Mt Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota.

Kids at Mt Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota.


An American cowboy with his dog somewhere in Wyoming.

An American cowboy with his dog somewhere in Wyoming.


Mariachi musicians taking a break near Garibaldi Square, Mexico City.

Mariachi musicians taking a break near Garibaldi Square, Mexico City.


The author admiring Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The author admiring Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe.


A donkey cart stopping to fill up with water somewhere in the Cape Province of South Africa

A donkey cart stopping to fill up with water somewhere in the Cape Province of South Africa.


Convoy drivers, with whom the author once worked checking a new vehicle alongside the road near Durban, South Africa.

Convoy drivers, with whom the author once worked checking a new vehicle alongside the road near Durban, South Africa.


A Xhosa woman posing for photo in her homeland of  The Transkei, South Africa

A Xhosa woman posing for photo in her homeland of The Transkei, South Africa.


Herero Women in Botswana

Herero women of Botswana, previously known as Bechuanaland.


Author's good friend, Pete exploring the Okavango Swamp now known as the Okavango Delta.

Author's good friend, Pete exploring the Okavango Swamp now known as the Okavango Delta.


African lion, Kenya

Hungry male lion in the Masaii Mara Game Reserve, Kenya.


A lone elephant at a waterhole in Tsavo National Park, Kenya.

A lone elephant at a waterhole in Tsavo National Park, Kenya.


The author taking in the wonders of Machu Pichu

The author taking in the wonders of Machu Pichu.


Peruvian girl with pet llama at Machu Pichu, Peru

Peruvian girl with pet llama at Machu Pichu.


Fisherman in handmade reed boat on Lake Titicaca, Bolivia

Fisherman in handmade reed boat on Lake Titicaca, Bolivia.


Children window shopping in Ecuador.

Children window shopping in Ecuador.


A fellow traveller taking a nap by the side of the road in Patagonia, South America

A fellow traveller taking a nap by the side of the road in Patagonia, South America.


A youthful David with young friends on board Amazon steamer

A youthful David with young friends on board Amazon steamer.


Government buildings of Brasilia, then the brand new capital of Brazil.

Government buildings of Brasilia, then the brand new capital of Brazil/


The author seated at right at a tea stop en route to Kashmir.

The author seated at right at a tea stop en route to Kashmir.


Author's friend Pete, astride pony in the Vale of Kashmir.

Author's friend Pete, astride pony in the Vale of Kashmir.


Street scene with watercart vendor in Aden, Yemen

Street scene with watercart vendor in Aden, Yemen.


Arabian dhows in Aden harbour, Yemen

Arabian dhows in Aden harbour, Yemen.


The skinny as a rake author running on a deserted beach in Sri Lanka, then known as Ceylon

The "skinny as a rake" author running on a deserted beach in Sri Lanka, then known as Ceylon.


Author's friend Pete on left washing an elephant in a river in Sri Lanka.

Author's friend Pete on left washing an elephant in a river in Sri Lanka.


Rural road scene in India

Rural road scene in India.


Country people lining up to visit the Taj Mahal.

Country people lining up to visit the Taj Mahal.


The Taj Mahal, Agra, India

The Taj Mahal, Agra, India.


Advertising the opening of a new shop in smalltown Japan

Advertising the opening of a new shop in smalltown Japan.


One of many Japanese Festivals in Tokyo, Japan

One of many Japanese Festivals in Tokyo, Japan.


Hill tribe woman and son in the hills of Northern Thailand

Hill tribe woman and son in the hills of Northern Thailand.


Hilltribe woman and girls carrying bamboo in Northern Thailand.

Hilltribe woman and girls carrying bamboo (to be used for firewood and building purposes) in Northern Thailand.


A local artist adding final touches to picture of the Marble Temple in Bangkok, Thailand

A local artist adding final touches to picture of the Marble Temple in Bangkok, Thailand.


Table of contents of David's book.


Back cover of David Skillan's book.


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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada